Soo last week i went on my 1st baking bloc course, usually in palmy or christchurch but now its in taradale which is kind of a bummer but ahh well. Small class of 5 of us 2 chicks 3 guys and 2 no shows haha.. Was an awesome course had heapsa fun! Thing i loved most was the hours 7.30am til 4pm sooo easy sucha good change from midnight starts! The people were all good people too we all got along great, heaps of laughs then a cheeky night otp at the motel on the last night. Downbuzz to my week was having to work friday night at 11pm to cover my bosses at coldplay. So not being able to get any sleep after bloc course and then workn all night tol 9am meant that i eventually stayed up for 30 hours straight :/ thn had bout 6 hrs sleep before work on saturday night not good! Body is a bit stuffed going from dayshift to night. Heres some pics to sum up my week..
Monday, 12 November 2012
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Booya 1st place in my div for the August open/hawkes bay open squash tourny!
Ranked number 1 out of 16 i won all my games 3/1 3/1 3/1 beating the number 2 comfortably in the final!
Taking off a night at work turned out to be the way to go, being fully rested helped a lot.
Won $90 and a mug ha with the details on it churr
Getting close to that B grade now cant wait to see the next grading list
Might needa do some away tournies to get there since thats it for the local tournies for the year :)
#getting closer
Ranked number 1 out of 16 i won all my games 3/1 3/1 3/1 beating the number 2 comfortably in the final!
Taking off a night at work turned out to be the way to go, being fully rested helped a lot.
Won $90 and a mug ha with the details on it churr
Getting close to that B grade now cant wait to see the next grading list
Might needa do some away tournies to get there since thats it for the local tournies for the year :)
#getting closer
Thursday, 12 July 2012
slipping behind
Update on the haps at th mo!
Most recent tourny hosting by my club i made the top div's final but lost 3-2 to a fellow team mate was a good game!
Recently Played a B grader in interclub who is way ahead of me (ive beaten him once) who is pretty queer actually he blaintantly cheats, like doesnt call double bounce and even when the ball hit the tin he wouldnt admit it to the ref! i was up 2 nil but after this crap started happening i got so angry was going to just walk off court. I dont know whether hes just dumb or does it on purpose aye and hes a teacher? pfft. great example. The game ended up going to the 5th set which i lost 15/11 but i still feel cheated because you win the point when your opponent cant get to the ball or it double bounces before they get it but how do you beat someone who actually hits it on the 2nd bounce and doesnt admit to it that he didnt get it like you are supposed to?? you have to be honest in squash especially when the ref hasnt got the best eyes. I ended up confronting him on court after the game and said "bro so many of those balls were down that you didnt call this is such bulls***!!" I talked to my team mates afterwards and even they said so many of the balls were down bla bla. so frustrating!
This made me want to quit interclub which i eventually have now because its too hard to play really good during the week after not sleeping much. Like id be up 2 nil in most games then lose to amatuers 3-2 just because i get too tired. so instead of just throwing my points away im just doing tournaments. Next weekend being eliminations which will decide if we go to nationals or not and then palmy the weekend after which should be mean! its a PSA recognised tourny i think which means for the top players the points will go towards their world rankings so some big names should be there hopefully! expecting the top 10 in NZ to show up. Was going to go just to watch if i didnt play anyway, should be a mean weekend either way staying with the mrs and her mates!
Looking at getting a racket i used to use, again. Hopefully can find one in nz somewhere then will probably get back into squash next year but will see how the year folds out with work etc as we are going to be getting busier and its hard to play my best with the hours i do so my goal might have to be put on hold ha ha.
Going really good me and my mate are boosting the workload out in about 4 1/2 hours (proving time not including) so roughly after 7 hours were fully done, bakery full and out the back cleaned which is pretty good! still get paid for 8 hours to :)
Getting better sleeps for now! trying to get at least 6 hours during the day then im fine and a couple before work at night if im tired. got the old eye mask and ear plugs going on! had enough of my sister and her thumping music keeping me awake all day! i also put my mink blanket over my curtains to make my room as dark as possible to trick my body into thinking its night time hahaha.
Heres an awesome pic that my gf drew of me haha talented eh? x
Most recent tourny hosting by my club i made the top div's final but lost 3-2 to a fellow team mate was a good game!
Recently Played a B grader in interclub who is way ahead of me (ive beaten him once) who is pretty queer actually he blaintantly cheats, like doesnt call double bounce and even when the ball hit the tin he wouldnt admit it to the ref! i was up 2 nil but after this crap started happening i got so angry was going to just walk off court. I dont know whether hes just dumb or does it on purpose aye and hes a teacher? pfft. great example. The game ended up going to the 5th set which i lost 15/11 but i still feel cheated because you win the point when your opponent cant get to the ball or it double bounces before they get it but how do you beat someone who actually hits it on the 2nd bounce and doesnt admit to it that he didnt get it like you are supposed to?? you have to be honest in squash especially when the ref hasnt got the best eyes. I ended up confronting him on court after the game and said "bro so many of those balls were down that you didnt call this is such bulls***!!" I talked to my team mates afterwards and even they said so many of the balls were down bla bla. so frustrating!
This made me want to quit interclub which i eventually have now because its too hard to play really good during the week after not sleeping much. Like id be up 2 nil in most games then lose to amatuers 3-2 just because i get too tired. so instead of just throwing my points away im just doing tournaments. Next weekend being eliminations which will decide if we go to nationals or not and then palmy the weekend after which should be mean! its a PSA recognised tourny i think which means for the top players the points will go towards their world rankings so some big names should be there hopefully! expecting the top 10 in NZ to show up. Was going to go just to watch if i didnt play anyway, should be a mean weekend either way staying with the mrs and her mates!
Looking at getting a racket i used to use, again. Hopefully can find one in nz somewhere then will probably get back into squash next year but will see how the year folds out with work etc as we are going to be getting busier and its hard to play my best with the hours i do so my goal might have to be put on hold ha ha.
Going really good me and my mate are boosting the workload out in about 4 1/2 hours (proving time not including) so roughly after 7 hours were fully done, bakery full and out the back cleaned which is pretty good! still get paid for 8 hours to :)
Getting better sleeps for now! trying to get at least 6 hours during the day then im fine and a couple before work at night if im tired. got the old eye mask and ear plugs going on! had enough of my sister and her thumping music keeping me awake all day! i also put my mink blanket over my curtains to make my room as dark as possible to trick my body into thinking its night time hahaha.
the eye mask bahaha usually i wake up and its not even on anymore lol
And my earplugs yes theyre pink theyre from mum haha. they work good.
Whos that handsome chap!?
Heres an awesome pic that my gf drew of me haha talented eh? x
Cool pic of us :)
Most recent pic of us all dressed up for her mates 21st at the mission!
Currently Saving for....
An iphone! maybe the big time 4s but will see how things go a grand is so much to spend on a phone lol
Well thats my update for now ha did you catch my little hidden message in my title at the top??
dont scroll down until u think u got it..
putting the bold letters together it says 'Upta atm' cool ae bitta slang gives my heading 2 meanings in 1 kinda ha buzzy! time to go cancel my gym membership then sleep! chur!
Monday, 18 June 2012
Pics to go with
My Civic i got this year pretty gank..
My attempt at jelly slice, turned out mean! yum
Scrolls i make at work (just some things out of so many) cheesymites on the left which is marmite and cheese (now vegemite) and on the right is sweet chilli and cheese mean!
Lastly Tiger bread. Sometimes called giraffe bread its just white bread with a special topping but so hard to get looking like this took a lot of experimenting! looks pretty boss huh? check out supermarket tiger bread to realise how crap theres looks ;)
If i could be bothered taking pics of everything i make i work i would but cnt be stuffed :P
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Work hard play hard
Well on this lazy monday im pretty bored so decided to dust the cobwebs off my blog and bring it back to life haha. This is what ive been upto..
I have nearly achieved my 3 + year goal of making B grade in squash which should be mission accomplished this weekend with interclub and our club hosting a tourny. Now that i have adjusted to my hours in my job (mostly) i am playing my best ive ever played and have results to show..1st place in the havelock open div 1 where i was ranked number 3 in my draw. My 1st game was a struggle against an un orthodox lefty hitting fluke shots with some poor reffing to accompany it. the next opponent i had to play who is in my interclub team had a huge win over the number 2 and was really cocky so i went out and smashed him 3/0 with no remorse. Feeling confident for the final against the number 1 who is a B grader i got the 1st 2 sets easy until the 3rd set where the reffing turned to sh!t and i got pushed over on purpose and my racket got hit outta my hand twice and the refs did nothing which left me soo pissed off i nearly walked off court. The game went to 5 and i got there in the end, just. If i had of lost that game i was ready to complain to tournament organisers about the opponents actions on court and how pathetic the reffing was, even had members from the crowd to back me up. A really big win though since not many people have beaten that dude. 80 bux and a $20 hawkes bay seafood voucher for my prize. Woulda preferred cash but ah well ended up using it to buy tea for me, my gf and her family only to find out they gave us the wrong fish..stupid idiots!
Interclub squash has been a walkover so far me playing no.1 for our team ive smoked most people cept for a couple mainly due to tiredness and bein outplayed. Last week i was on last so got on court round 9.30pm and beat the napier teams number 1 who is B grade, 3/0. telling my team thats how its done after they all lost lol.
The recent hawkes bay open was a good test being ranked at 2/16 in div 1 winning my 1st 2 games easy then winning my semi easyish after playing hockey allthough i had to struggle with cramp. By the time sunday rolled round my body was pretty sore and i had to play the guy i played in the havy final. Nearly stretched the game to 5 but i went down 3/1 but was a good game both of us were stuffed did so much running. happy with how i played though. $75 2nd place.
Currently sitting 30 points off B grade which is 2 wins basically and ranked 4th in my club which is all goodz.
Finding time to do things around the hours i work gets hard at times for instance on a friday night a start at midnight and finish around 9am then have to get about 3 hrs sleep in then get up to play hockey in the arvo which aint going to good..our team is playing cabbage as not thinking when on the field. The reffing in the comp is crap and frustrates a lot of people including myself ive had a red card for something the ref thought he saw and then a yellow the other week for calling the ref blind hahaha but i had good reason to and will happily tell him to his face again how blind he is! i think im also our teams leading goal scorer which is pretty sweet but thinking bout stopping playing our changing my days of work so im not so stuffed on a sat night.
As long as i get bout 5-6 hours sleep in the day time im allgood to do things at night but its hard to sleep for that long sometimes and i usually need another sleep before work at night time. Its funny how during the week i stay up all night and work but when it comes to the weekend i can hardly stay up late anymore it sux lol definitly looking for a 6am-2.30pm job in the future i reckon those r the best hours to work, anything would be easy after doing my hours! except working till later than 5pm on any day stuff that soo lame! Baking is a fun job though loving it always wanting to improve things or get faster because remember its about working smarter not harder! <--- thats one of my fav quotes i 1st heard it off theme park world on PS1 when i was building theme parks lol
On a down note, a few weeks ago i lost my bracelet that my gf got me for my birthday last year. i dont know where i lost it but have a feeling it fell out of my work bag which has a tiny hole. Ive looked everywhere! searched through everything i have but i havnt lost hope yet i want it to turn up. i even wrote into a psychic in a new idea or wateva mum reads to see if i get a reply but none yet lol so gonna keep doing that, they might give me an idea who knows! just wish i could go back in time and put it sumwhere else cause i usually take it off at work and put it in my bag but dunno where it has gotton to if it fell out :( i feel bad about it but fingers crossed 1 day it shows up so i can wear it again :)
I had some pics to put up on here but they arent going to my email from phone so maybe another time they each have there own little story to go with ha.
Looking forward to getting my tax back like $380 bux! mean!
Membership on gym is on hold coz jetts gym sux pretty sure its the cause of my back injury. their equipment is like plastic! will probly quit altogether once the month is up. Would rather do my own personal fitness.
We listen to the Rock at work all the time so ive been getting back into my rock music and always play this song its so mean i reckon! even learnt the main riff on guitar the other night yeeeya. ( if it doesnt work just type it in on youtube.)
I have nearly achieved my 3 + year goal of making B grade in squash which should be mission accomplished this weekend with interclub and our club hosting a tourny. Now that i have adjusted to my hours in my job (mostly) i am playing my best ive ever played and have results to show..1st place in the havelock open div 1 where i was ranked number 3 in my draw. My 1st game was a struggle against an un orthodox lefty hitting fluke shots with some poor reffing to accompany it. the next opponent i had to play who is in my interclub team had a huge win over the number 2 and was really cocky so i went out and smashed him 3/0 with no remorse. Feeling confident for the final against the number 1 who is a B grader i got the 1st 2 sets easy until the 3rd set where the reffing turned to sh!t and i got pushed over on purpose and my racket got hit outta my hand twice and the refs did nothing which left me soo pissed off i nearly walked off court. The game went to 5 and i got there in the end, just. If i had of lost that game i was ready to complain to tournament organisers about the opponents actions on court and how pathetic the reffing was, even had members from the crowd to back me up. A really big win though since not many people have beaten that dude. 80 bux and a $20 hawkes bay seafood voucher for my prize. Woulda preferred cash but ah well ended up using it to buy tea for me, my gf and her family only to find out they gave us the wrong fish..stupid idiots!
Interclub squash has been a walkover so far me playing no.1 for our team ive smoked most people cept for a couple mainly due to tiredness and bein outplayed. Last week i was on last so got on court round 9.30pm and beat the napier teams number 1 who is B grade, 3/0. telling my team thats how its done after they all lost lol.
The recent hawkes bay open was a good test being ranked at 2/16 in div 1 winning my 1st 2 games easy then winning my semi easyish after playing hockey allthough i had to struggle with cramp. By the time sunday rolled round my body was pretty sore and i had to play the guy i played in the havy final. Nearly stretched the game to 5 but i went down 3/1 but was a good game both of us were stuffed did so much running. happy with how i played though. $75 2nd place.
Currently sitting 30 points off B grade which is 2 wins basically and ranked 4th in my club which is all goodz.
Finding time to do things around the hours i work gets hard at times for instance on a friday night a start at midnight and finish around 9am then have to get about 3 hrs sleep in then get up to play hockey in the arvo which aint going to good..our team is playing cabbage as not thinking when on the field. The reffing in the comp is crap and frustrates a lot of people including myself ive had a red card for something the ref thought he saw and then a yellow the other week for calling the ref blind hahaha but i had good reason to and will happily tell him to his face again how blind he is! i think im also our teams leading goal scorer which is pretty sweet but thinking bout stopping playing our changing my days of work so im not so stuffed on a sat night.
As long as i get bout 5-6 hours sleep in the day time im allgood to do things at night but its hard to sleep for that long sometimes and i usually need another sleep before work at night time. Its funny how during the week i stay up all night and work but when it comes to the weekend i can hardly stay up late anymore it sux lol definitly looking for a 6am-2.30pm job in the future i reckon those r the best hours to work, anything would be easy after doing my hours! except working till later than 5pm on any day stuff that soo lame! Baking is a fun job though loving it always wanting to improve things or get faster because remember its about working smarter not harder! <--- thats one of my fav quotes i 1st heard it off theme park world on PS1 when i was building theme parks lol
On a down note, a few weeks ago i lost my bracelet that my gf got me for my birthday last year. i dont know where i lost it but have a feeling it fell out of my work bag which has a tiny hole. Ive looked everywhere! searched through everything i have but i havnt lost hope yet i want it to turn up. i even wrote into a psychic in a new idea or wateva mum reads to see if i get a reply but none yet lol so gonna keep doing that, they might give me an idea who knows! just wish i could go back in time and put it sumwhere else cause i usually take it off at work and put it in my bag but dunno where it has gotton to if it fell out :( i feel bad about it but fingers crossed 1 day it shows up so i can wear it again :)
I had some pics to put up on here but they arent going to my email from phone so maybe another time they each have there own little story to go with ha.
Looking forward to getting my tax back like $380 bux! mean!
Membership on gym is on hold coz jetts gym sux pretty sure its the cause of my back injury. their equipment is like plastic! will probly quit altogether once the month is up. Would rather do my own personal fitness.
We listen to the Rock at work all the time so ive been getting back into my rock music and always play this song its so mean i reckon! even learnt the main riff on guitar the other night yeeeya. ( if it doesnt work just type it in on youtube.)
SO keen to hit up taupo one weekend and get a motel with a spa and lax all weekend yeeeah :)
I discovered this song by Kolohe Kai not long ago to its pretty sweet chilled out with a bit of meaning..
Anyways thats what ive been up to lately might get back into blogging if i can be bothered ha chur
Sunday, 8 April 2012
a few of my whips
Some of my cars iv owned..always wanting something new haha thinking what to get next..
1st car i got when i was 15 was my toyota corolla was a pretty sweet little car but i dont have pics ha its around the hawkes bay somewhere still i think.. Next car was the pulsar..
1st car i got when i was 15 was my toyota corolla was a pretty sweet little car but i dont have pics ha its around the hawkes bay somewhere still i think.. Next car was the pulsar..
![]() |
Nissan Pulsar Autech 1996 Mean little car was fast as, 2L engine, higher compression, extractors, bigger cams bla bla handled like a rally car! |
For this sucker! the crunchie bar Subaru legacy 1999 GT Twin turbo dam this was quick, was my 1st automatic as well just liked the look of it but it got too expensive on gas so it had to go lol |
Overall i like my civic the best, wish i kept it! i remember the day i was driving it to its new owner and i was thinking this car is actually pretty mean!
Which is ur fav?
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
3 times 5!
1st of all excuse my use of tense i right in i usually mix it up in the past or present cant be bothered being a nerd and correcting it to make sense, after all i dont go to school anymore no teachers gonna check it!
What a weekend.. After about 2 hours of sleep after work we headed off to MataMata for the Squash Tourny. My game time was at 9pm, earliest out of the whole bunch. Ranked 2nd of out 8 in my draw i played a 15 yr old who i won easily against in Hamiltion not long ago. Started off good gettting the 1st set but playing like crap! sooo exhausted and all we ate was a burger and a few chips from some little shop because MataMata town is useless! The Countdown and New World were shut at 8pm what the hell aye? so only options were takeaways. I lost the 2nd set then 3rd..playing sooo bad worst i think ive ever played in my life not getting length off shots and tinning a lot. Down 13-8 in the 4th just 2 points away from the worst loss in my life i nearly gave up but kept the pressure on and my opponent folded. i managed to get up and win 16/14 to make the game go to 5 sets. fairly even until the 10 point mark i took off and won 15/11 in the 5th. What a relief, what a lucky win. I put this win down to experience, i have been in that position soo many times compared to the young buck i played. With so many entries, the last game happened to be one of crews games so we didnt get out til after 1am.
4.30 was my game time but we didnt get on court till about 5.45..stupid. Nothings worse then waiting around to play. I was up against another 15/16 yr old who is a giant i played in hamilton and lost to. i won the 1st set only just 20/18. lost the 2nd toooo tired. I had an argument with the ref who is in the top 10 in NZ but was making realy bad calls. dickhead. 3rd went to me but i didnt think i had much left in the tank. I pretty much threw the 4th set after i couldnt get anything going. 5 setter again. I couldnt get off to a good start but managed a comeback from when he was up 13-9ish. 12-14 down and i got to 13-14 then 14-14 (gotta win by 2) two weak shots and he takes the game 16/14 but was a really good game! soo long went for well over an hour. Could of went either way but i bet no one expected me to make such a huge comeback at the end, even his dad came and shook my hand and said how nervous he was watching haha. A lot of people told me the reffing was really bad in the game but i didnt blame that i was happy with the game. (Mike ends up winning the final of my draw 3/0 the next day.)
Quiet night in, waking up to snoring, crap sleep thats how sat night went ha. Was going to get up and drive to hamilton at like 1am because we were wide awake. 10am stupid hotel lady came in and said we have to get out right now because they were so busy when there was only 2 cars in the whole lodge? pfft.
Special plate final 12.45. Up against some retard who was way below me and played silly shots for C grade level frustrated the F*** outta me! At one point i even said "Is this C grade of F grade" lost the 1st set to him getting lucky, got the 2nd,lost the 3rd, fought hard to get the 4th. ANOTHER 5 setter. I started the set off not good but managed to get a lead then lost it but regained it. Winning 15/10 i think in the end was good. I mumbled a few words to him at the end because of his crap shots he was playing. If i didnt win that i would have been close to throwing squash in. The dude was a nice guy but everyone knows on court whatever happens on there stays on there. 3rd place was a good finish, $60 pretty useless prize for a $7grand spread of prizes! the bottom div's (div 8 and lower. i was in div 3) were getting $120 for 1st and other high prizes for others places which i dont agree on. the top div's should be getting higher money prizes since you have to be good enough to make the top ones! You could be real sneaky and just drop grades to win the money easy but then your not getting anywhere. I think the Top mens open draw winner got $750 which isnt actually that much for that level of play but cant complain. Good tourny overall! should be a tiny gain of points. Really made me think about whether or not to keep playing or not though. Its hard to keep up at this level where you need to be training at least 3 times a week to be good. However im joining the gym this week with a gym buddy ;) and am going to try get some fitness in a couple of times a week as im adjusting to my work hours finally. With hockey starting this weekend also that will keep me fit.
Ive decided to pull out of the Te puke Open in easter to play the Hawkes bay Open instead so i can work instead because we will be busy making hundreds of hot cross buns! and so i can have a long weekend. Other tournies coming up after that are my clubs' hosting the Hastings open and then the Central open (Palmy) could be likely.
Chur Chur!!
What a weekend.. After about 2 hours of sleep after work we headed off to MataMata for the Squash Tourny. My game time was at 9pm, earliest out of the whole bunch. Ranked 2nd of out 8 in my draw i played a 15 yr old who i won easily against in Hamiltion not long ago. Started off good gettting the 1st set but playing like crap! sooo exhausted and all we ate was a burger and a few chips from some little shop because MataMata town is useless! The Countdown and New World were shut at 8pm what the hell aye? so only options were takeaways. I lost the 2nd set then 3rd..playing sooo bad worst i think ive ever played in my life not getting length off shots and tinning a lot. Down 13-8 in the 4th just 2 points away from the worst loss in my life i nearly gave up but kept the pressure on and my opponent folded. i managed to get up and win 16/14 to make the game go to 5 sets. fairly even until the 10 point mark i took off and won 15/11 in the 5th. What a relief, what a lucky win. I put this win down to experience, i have been in that position soo many times compared to the young buck i played. With so many entries, the last game happened to be one of crews games so we didnt get out til after 1am.
4.30 was my game time but we didnt get on court till about 5.45..stupid. Nothings worse then waiting around to play. I was up against another 15/16 yr old who is a giant i played in hamilton and lost to. i won the 1st set only just 20/18. lost the 2nd toooo tired. I had an argument with the ref who is in the top 10 in NZ but was making realy bad calls. dickhead. 3rd went to me but i didnt think i had much left in the tank. I pretty much threw the 4th set after i couldnt get anything going. 5 setter again. I couldnt get off to a good start but managed a comeback from when he was up 13-9ish. 12-14 down and i got to 13-14 then 14-14 (gotta win by 2) two weak shots and he takes the game 16/14 but was a really good game! soo long went for well over an hour. Could of went either way but i bet no one expected me to make such a huge comeback at the end, even his dad came and shook my hand and said how nervous he was watching haha. A lot of people told me the reffing was really bad in the game but i didnt blame that i was happy with the game. (Mike ends up winning the final of my draw 3/0 the next day.)
Quiet night in, waking up to snoring, crap sleep thats how sat night went ha. Was going to get up and drive to hamilton at like 1am because we were wide awake. 10am stupid hotel lady came in and said we have to get out right now because they were so busy when there was only 2 cars in the whole lodge? pfft.
Special plate final 12.45. Up against some retard who was way below me and played silly shots for C grade level frustrated the F*** outta me! At one point i even said "Is this C grade of F grade" lost the 1st set to him getting lucky, got the 2nd,lost the 3rd, fought hard to get the 4th. ANOTHER 5 setter. I started the set off not good but managed to get a lead then lost it but regained it. Winning 15/10 i think in the end was good. I mumbled a few words to him at the end because of his crap shots he was playing. If i didnt win that i would have been close to throwing squash in. The dude was a nice guy but everyone knows on court whatever happens on there stays on there. 3rd place was a good finish, $60 pretty useless prize for a $7grand spread of prizes! the bottom div's (div 8 and lower. i was in div 3) were getting $120 for 1st and other high prizes for others places which i dont agree on. the top div's should be getting higher money prizes since you have to be good enough to make the top ones! You could be real sneaky and just drop grades to win the money easy but then your not getting anywhere. I think the Top mens open draw winner got $750 which isnt actually that much for that level of play but cant complain. Good tourny overall! should be a tiny gain of points. Really made me think about whether or not to keep playing or not though. Its hard to keep up at this level where you need to be training at least 3 times a week to be good. However im joining the gym this week with a gym buddy ;) and am going to try get some fitness in a couple of times a week as im adjusting to my work hours finally. With hockey starting this weekend also that will keep me fit.
Ive decided to pull out of the Te puke Open in easter to play the Hawkes bay Open instead so i can work instead because we will be busy making hundreds of hot cross buns! and so i can have a long weekend. Other tournies coming up after that are my clubs' hosting the Hastings open and then the Central open (Palmy) could be likely.
Chur Chur!!
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Killing giants and playing with gnomes
I recently finished the Cambridge squash tourny over the weekend this is how it went..
After finding out i was not a top seed anymore but a bottom seed of the grade above me my whole outlook for the tourny changed but i made it my goal to win at least 1 game out of 3. The Open mens draw consisted of the former number 22 in the WORLD Mike Corren and ex top junior lance beddoes along with other high A graders. The womans Open draw had the number 14 in the world/No.1 in the nz Joelle King. A lot of talent there thats for sure.
3 and a half hours drive later we arrive at the club with sore stiff legs. Game times are up and im 1st out of the camp. My choice of attire for the 1st game against the number 1 in my draw is my yellow court shoes, bright blue shorts and my black and white squash shirt (gotta be comfy haha.) Purple powerade this time. My opponent is a mid B grader and im way below on C1. Warm up goes good, the courts are fast. I get the 1st set and my opponent wasnt happy. I dont think a pie and sausage roll and coke from bp on the way were very good because i was pretty much out of energy after the 1st set!! i lose the 2nd set but not by many. The 3rd set is full of arguments ( not by me for a change) the refs are on my side though which is good! i keep my mouth shut and get on with it. I scrape the 3rd set to go to a 2-1 lead. Purple powerade is doing the trick but i feel so drained. My mate jordan was giving me tips between games and my opponent was sniggering at them and mumbling to himself. Pffft shut up. Myswell have not even played the 4th set because i had no energy and just went for shots the whole time only pulling a few off. Allgood though time to get back in the game. 5th and final set time. Getting the 1st point here is vital to the mental side of this set. I race to a good lead and everything goes my way as i hit my shots and i put my opponent under pressure and force him to make mistakes. Game match ball to a tired dripping with sweat me haha. One more point i say to myself before i serve. A longish rally then BANG he hits the tin and i win! Stoked much! I have knocked out the number 1 after a long tiring battle! the term used after beating someone way above you is "giant killer" ill take that ha. I go and lie down in the changing rooms for ages. sorest legs ever haha. Needa massage when i get back ;) We get to see the top player Mike absolutely kill the bottom seed of the open. After watching the rest of the camp play we head to our cabins at some motor camp. I score top bunk greeeat. Next game at 6pm sat night.
Next game is against the number 5 Josh Oakley who is the son of former World No.1 Woman Susan Devoy. He is 15yrs old and the size of a garden gnome but ranked way above me. I destroy him in the 1st set and he is sulking and swearing when on court. Heaps of little kids that play have the worst attitude. 2nd set goes to him although it is down heavily in the 3rd set but make a huge comeback to get game point but play some dumb shots to give him gamepoint. I get it back again but cant capitalize. Such a waste and poor shot selection by me, i should of just went for nics i have been pulling them off all tournament. I waste him in the 4th set as my confidence climbs and the kid is upset ( later on i find out that he was outside on the field crying and had to be lifted up and taken back to the court bahahaha.) 5th set goes crap nothing works as i tin my way to a loss that i could have won. oh well he ends up winning the final 3/1 against the number 3 so i actually did pretty good.
We get to see Mike Corren again this time playing an old fit as A1 dude who gives him a run for his money. Mike gets some bad calls against him and he mocks and swears at the ref, a poor attitude from someone of this level! but also funny to watch. He wins 3-2 to progress to the final. We also get to see Joelle play who is freakishly fit and good. Dominos for tea.
11:40 is my final game for 3rd/4th place. I'm up against the number 7 who beat the number 2. The ball is soo bouncy and my opponent is a basher. I clean up the 1st set. lose the 2nd, tin everything. lose the 3rd im playing like crap! not getting into position for shots and not getting low enough. I get some bad calls and argue a little. i make a huge comeback in the 4th set to get game point but cant take it. I wrap my racket around the player and ask for a let and get a no let! soo frustrating as this call is COMPLETLY wrong. I turn quickly to the ref and ask what is she on about?! it was more looking like a stroke than anything else! i say to her "You're not even good enough to make that call" still angry my opponent serves and hits the nic in the back corner and takes the game. Such an unfair call pretty much turned the game right around as i reckon if i could have taken the game to 5 i would have won it. As soon as i get to the changing rooms i throw my racket into the seats. should have been my game. This is why low ranked woman shouldnt ref men, they dont understand the game. Players your own grade should be reffing each other not lower ones. Oh well gotta move on i got my 1/3 wins and learnt a lot. The prizes for places are crap so im not bothered that im not getting one haha my mate from up north gave me some strings so thats allgood pretty much worth more than any prize on the table ha.
Mens open final time No.1 Mike vs No.2 Lance. Mike wins fairly easy in 3 but after a lot of arguments, threats and a bit of shoving on court. Not the kind of attitudes you expect from some of the top ranked players in NZ.
Meeean tourny overall pretty happy with it just wish i got 1 more win. Bring on MataMata next weekend $7grand spread of prize money :)
After finding out i was not a top seed anymore but a bottom seed of the grade above me my whole outlook for the tourny changed but i made it my goal to win at least 1 game out of 3. The Open mens draw consisted of the former number 22 in the WORLD Mike Corren and ex top junior lance beddoes along with other high A graders. The womans Open draw had the number 14 in the world/No.1 in the nz Joelle King. A lot of talent there thats for sure.
3 and a half hours drive later we arrive at the club with sore stiff legs. Game times are up and im 1st out of the camp. My choice of attire for the 1st game against the number 1 in my draw is my yellow court shoes, bright blue shorts and my black and white squash shirt (gotta be comfy haha.) Purple powerade this time. My opponent is a mid B grader and im way below on C1. Warm up goes good, the courts are fast. I get the 1st set and my opponent wasnt happy. I dont think a pie and sausage roll and coke from bp on the way were very good because i was pretty much out of energy after the 1st set!! i lose the 2nd set but not by many. The 3rd set is full of arguments ( not by me for a change) the refs are on my side though which is good! i keep my mouth shut and get on with it. I scrape the 3rd set to go to a 2-1 lead. Purple powerade is doing the trick but i feel so drained. My mate jordan was giving me tips between games and my opponent was sniggering at them and mumbling to himself. Pffft shut up. Myswell have not even played the 4th set because i had no energy and just went for shots the whole time only pulling a few off. Allgood though time to get back in the game. 5th and final set time. Getting the 1st point here is vital to the mental side of this set. I race to a good lead and everything goes my way as i hit my shots and i put my opponent under pressure and force him to make mistakes. Game match ball to a tired dripping with sweat me haha. One more point i say to myself before i serve. A longish rally then BANG he hits the tin and i win! Stoked much! I have knocked out the number 1 after a long tiring battle! the term used after beating someone way above you is "giant killer" ill take that ha. I go and lie down in the changing rooms for ages. sorest legs ever haha. Needa massage when i get back ;) We get to see the top player Mike absolutely kill the bottom seed of the open. After watching the rest of the camp play we head to our cabins at some motor camp. I score top bunk greeeat. Next game at 6pm sat night.

Next game is against the number 5 Josh Oakley who is the son of former World No.1 Woman Susan Devoy. He is 15yrs old and the size of a garden gnome but ranked way above me. I destroy him in the 1st set and he is sulking and swearing when on court. Heaps of little kids that play have the worst attitude. 2nd set goes to him although it is down heavily in the 3rd set but make a huge comeback to get game point but play some dumb shots to give him gamepoint. I get it back again but cant capitalize. Such a waste and poor shot selection by me, i should of just went for nics i have been pulling them off all tournament. I waste him in the 4th set as my confidence climbs and the kid is upset ( later on i find out that he was outside on the field crying and had to be lifted up and taken back to the court bahahaha.) 5th set goes crap nothing works as i tin my way to a loss that i could have won. oh well he ends up winning the final 3/1 against the number 3 so i actually did pretty good.
We get to see Mike Corren again this time playing an old fit as A1 dude who gives him a run for his money. Mike gets some bad calls against him and he mocks and swears at the ref, a poor attitude from someone of this level! but also funny to watch. He wins 3-2 to progress to the final. We also get to see Joelle play who is freakishly fit and good. Dominos for tea.
11:40 is my final game for 3rd/4th place. I'm up against the number 7 who beat the number 2. The ball is soo bouncy and my opponent is a basher. I clean up the 1st set. lose the 2nd, tin everything. lose the 3rd im playing like crap! not getting into position for shots and not getting low enough. I get some bad calls and argue a little. i make a huge comeback in the 4th set to get game point but cant take it. I wrap my racket around the player and ask for a let and get a no let! soo frustrating as this call is COMPLETLY wrong. I turn quickly to the ref and ask what is she on about?! it was more looking like a stroke than anything else! i say to her "You're not even good enough to make that call" still angry my opponent serves and hits the nic in the back corner and takes the game. Such an unfair call pretty much turned the game right around as i reckon if i could have taken the game to 5 i would have won it. As soon as i get to the changing rooms i throw my racket into the seats. should have been my game. This is why low ranked woman shouldnt ref men, they dont understand the game. Players your own grade should be reffing each other not lower ones. Oh well gotta move on i got my 1/3 wins and learnt a lot. The prizes for places are crap so im not bothered that im not getting one haha my mate from up north gave me some strings so thats allgood pretty much worth more than any prize on the table ha.
Mens open final time No.1 Mike vs No.2 Lance. Mike wins fairly easy in 3 but after a lot of arguments, threats and a bit of shoving on court. Not the kind of attitudes you expect from some of the top ranked players in NZ.
Meeean tourny overall pretty happy with it just wish i got 1 more win. Bring on MataMata next weekend $7grand spread of prize money :)
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Well Cambridge tourny this weekend should be good..was ranked top seed in my draw but just found out last night that someone has pulled out so i have been pushed up to the div above me so that makes me bottom seed..WRAPT. So i will be playing against players way above me. Must say im pretty annoyed because i reckon i would of had a good chance of taking out my draw but just got to look at it as good practice and that i have nothing to lose! Most of the time you never play in draws where players are a whole grade ahead so its kinda unfair but meh it aint for cash prizes anyway and i get to play at 6pm sat night instead of 10.40am. SLEEP IN!! Also instead of 9.30 tonight i will play whenever we arrive which could be around 8ish. Sleepa in the car on the way sounds good. Going to be a good tourny though the No.1 Ranked woman in NZ and 10th in the world Joelle King is playing along with some of the top juniors and ex juniors ha mean squash to watch. lets hope the body holds up and i get at least 1 win haha chur bowt it!
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Some interesting questions..these crack me up!
What is the speed of dark?
What do you call a male ladybug?
Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?
If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
What do ducks have to do with duck tape?
Why isn't there a mouse-flavored cat food?
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
What does the phrase "Now then" really mean?
Do crematoriums give discounts for burn victims?
If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes?
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
If a word in the dictionary were mispelled, how would we know?
If 7-11 is open 24 h/d, 365 d/yr, why are there locks on the doors?
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest also have to drown?
If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him that he has the right to remain silent?
When two airplanes almost collide, why do they call it a near miss rather than a near hit?
haha hava think and dont ponder too much..
What is the speed of dark?
What do you call a male ladybug?
Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?
If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
What do ducks have to do with duck tape?
Why isn't there a mouse-flavored cat food?
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
What does the phrase "Now then" really mean?
Do crematoriums give discounts for burn victims?
If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes?
Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?
If a word in the dictionary were mispelled, how would we know?
If 7-11 is open 24 h/d, 365 d/yr, why are there locks on the doors?
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest also have to drown?
If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him that he has the right to remain silent?
When two airplanes almost collide, why do they call it a near miss rather than a near hit?
haha hava think and dont ponder too much..
Thursday, 8 March 2012
funny times, funny rhymes
Who all remembers making there 1st email address? no doubt it was around the intermediate years and it sounds like something silly when u look at it now or even you still use it!? lol
Heres mine i made in form 1 when me and my cousin made our 1st ones.. hahaha i still use this as well as my newer one but with past jobs, bosses found it hard to take me seriously when i had to tell them my email addy and found the funny side to it haha it aint that bad is it? lol
Heres mine i made in form 1 when me and my cousin made our 1st ones.. hahaha i still use this as well as my newer one but with past jobs, bosses found it hard to take me seriously when i had to tell them my email addy and found the funny side to it haha it aint that bad is it? lol
Remember this cartoon? was sooo mean used to always watch it!
My cousins was something to do with the cartoon angrybeavers.
If you never had a silly sounding 1st email address then you must of been living under a rock for your childhood in my opinion haha all a part of growing up!
SO what was your funny 1st email addy?
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Wish i could draw
Have fun having a laugh haha.. Jess and I at her party dressed as Noah and Allie
My attempt at it LOL
Quality aint the best on here and i cant draw mouths soo hard.
What do you think?
Monday, 5 March 2012
like for a hate
Heres a few things that interest me..with one thing i hate!
Next Car maybe?
Sexy and loud! wanting a rotary for my next car or as a weekend car. love the colour candy red for a car.
Next Car maybe?
Now recently i have been inspired to do some drawings by a special someone. This brings me back to when i drew this exact picture on a huge pad like the one in the pic from school. Wish i still had it was pretty epic! drawing is pretty mean i should really get back into it haha.
Fav food : Spag bol! check dat out! yuuuummmm dayum spag bol u fine
Joop! my fragrance of choice :)
MMMMMMM piiiiee i love pies haha fatty as but yum. Mrs Macs mince and cheese to be exact haha
Gank integra, i have a silver one but nowhere near as done up as this! again loving the RED
Snakes i hate snakes!! soo gross, saw a few when i was in aussie
Ion storm squash racket (my old one) i have the blue version of this but am thinking of going back to Gold because it looks good! and feels good bla bla
A cool looking rotar barp barp barp
Once again very stylish
Roger federer
Fav tennis player hes so calm when he plays and stays focused (what i needa do with squash)
Anyways that was just some things to share even though i only made this blog to keep track of squash, hopefully i dont get too sidetracked!!
chur about it.
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